Their pure white, feathering wings emerging from the crevasses in their backs, glistening in the heaven's sun
They share stories and laughter
Each of them beaming and joyous as they pass around pictures of their family
They are so proud, they are ever so present
They are our mothers.
As Mother's Day quickly approaches I am all too familiar with the growing anticipation and anxiety that accompanies a person who has lost the woman everyone is celebrating
To us, it is a day of tears and unresolved emotion as we are bombarded with the reminder of the loss we have endured
On this day, remember the person that first loved you
The person that held you in their arms, that cooed you to sleep
Remember the person that sacrificed her sleep, her hair appointments, and her sanity so that you could be her very first priority
Remember the person who allowed you to be yourself
Who supported your dreams of becoming Batman or a ballerina when you grew up
Remember the person who kissed your boo boos and wiped your tears
Who's hug relinquished all of your worries
Remember the woman who showed you unlimited patience, taught you what it means to love, and carefully molded you into the incredible person you are today
Whether you choose to admit it or not
Whoever you are, you are because of your mother.
We are not "motherless", as it is so commonly defined.
Your mother is surrounding you, fulfilling you
Shining through each pore of your skin like bursts of light, reflecting daily in your actions, in your mannerisms, and how you treat other people
Our mothers shine through other people, people who were placed in our life to help guide us through our darkest days. The people who supplemented an ounce of the care, love, and security your mother provided to you
This Mother's Day, look up
Look all around you
Your mother is there, I promise.
Be present in your pain and allow the tears to flow
Embrace the day in front of you, count each blessing you have
Appreciate the people around you, for you know better than anyone that there aren't enough days in your lifetime to spend with the people you love
Find your smile, knowing she put it there
For those reading this that are fortunate enough to still have your mother, squeeze her tight.
Tell her all of the things you've been meaning to say
Tell her you love her and appreciate all of the things you'll never know she did for you
Learn her recipes, laugh at her corny jokes
Ditch your friends and spend time with her
I assure you, you will never regret it.
Take a deep breath and celebrate the moment
Happy Mother's Day to our mothers, our angels
in heaven and on earth.