Have you ever experienced loss?
Maybe it was your first beloved goldfish
Or your last basketball game of the season
Maybe it was your grandmother, she was 95 after all
Loss is a part of living
We lose teeth, boyfriends
We lose games, homework, even our minds at times
Let’s be honest, no matter the loss, it downright sucks.
Most losses we never even see coming. You’re never ready to
At age 22, I was never ready to lose my mom. Not even close.
But then again, if I was 60 years old I would still be
saying the same thing
Losing what you love hurts across the spectrum
Some impact your life more than others, but they hurt all
the same, if even for a moment
How do you move forward after a loss?
Well the good news is, your teeth do grow back, so there’s
And you will find a new boyfriend who you love more than the
There will be plenty of games to win, so do not fret
Losing people is when it gets tricky;
Your life will be turned upside down, for a long time
Days will overflow and sometimes you may beg them to
stop all together
You’ll lose your appetite while at the same time wanting to
eat all the feelings you’ve acquired
You will fake laugh and eventually cry your eyes out to the
brink of dehydration
But you WILL move forward
You will because those people you lost would want you to
And if that’s not a good enough reason, maybe it’s because
you have a family that depends on you
Or just a dog, even
Maybe it’s your job
You have to move forward after loss because you just have to and
that’s that
Losing hurts and it always will
But look down at your feet, and move them
Slowly at first
Eventually picking up the pace
Find something that pushes you into orbit again
You will be sad, yes,
But you are alive and life is meant to be lived while we have
Through losses, through wins, life does begin again